The Leeman Park friends have received two bits of fantastic news this week...
Firstly, our contact at Network Rail has done us proud in arranging the paint so that we can smartly paint the Cinder Lane wall top to bottom, edge to edge (rather than just patches over the graffiti). A paint order has been placed so soon we will be putting away our spades and brooms and picking up brushes and rollers!
Secondly, our volunteer Jo is really keen on wildlife and conservation and she came up with a great idea to set aside a particular area between the new flood defence and the houses as a nature reserve. The temporary fencing for the flood defence works is due to be removed next week. We spotted a great opportunity to retain just a 50m section of the temporary fencing since it would form a good boundary while the nature reserve gets established. We had to act quick to negotiate to retain the short section needed since the fencing is all due to come down next week. After some negotiation with the Council, the Environment Agency and Balfour Beatty, we have managed to get the agreement we need, so in just a few days we have secured a nature reserve!
Next: More Graffiti Gone