Friends of Leeman Park

More Graffiti Gone

Posted: 12th October 2014

Many of our improvements are inspired by commitment to build our community and put our neighbourhood on an upbeat trend rather than in decline. Of all our improvements, graffiti management probably has the biggest impact on making our neighbourhood feel like a positive place to live.

The Friends of Leeman Park group is now connected with the various stakeholders in order to maintain sustainable control over graffiti, since different surfaces have responsibility with either Council, Network Rail or privately, but we are now able to react quickly and coordinate the best response.

The concrete wall is Network Rail owned and historically graffiti has been over painted in patches by either Network Rail or 'Payback' community service. Whilst this is better than leaving the graffiti to worsen, we would like to smarten the wall a step further and paint it top to bottom, edge to edge. Network Rail are ordering us a supply of paint, and this will soon be our next big project.

Next: Royal Mail alley cleared
© 2025 Friends of Leeman Park